Not sure what I have come across here. A lot of interconnections, interwebs and backend deals going on for certain. Devolution part 14 suggested we research and in this video it is suggested:
- Missing airline MH370 linked to bad guys Jacob Rothschild and Blackstone (I am not surprised).
- Carlyle group mentioned in above link to Devolution and therefore 9/11 is inserted
- Stolen US election was organised by the cabal – Illuminati
- Blackstone is owned by Rothschild, that subsequently has connections with companies that own Astrazeneca
- Astrazeneca is partly owned by Google, which is most likely why they are interested in censoring the truth, keeping the bullshit narrative about Covid to suit them
As always, whenever there is money involved, the criminals hide the evidence. Power and Money.
Here are the Telegram posts mentioned in the video:

Major update: