Understanding Islam 

I have gathered many videos and articles together on one page.  Naturally, I was angry with Muslims because of the perceptions in the media. What do I know now? There are always a few bad eggs in every culture, I believe that 95% are a good people (like everyone) but they have been tricked! By who? You will find out on this page.

Interesting information about the Koran. There is 114 Chapters and 6666 words. This is revealed in the "Changing Tracks" video on this page.

What number does satan use?

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Latest Videos

Muslim Brotherhood active in American Schools - with Brigitte Gabriel

The Three Stages of Jihad will teach you everything you need to know - with David Wood

Brigitte Gabriel gives an awesome response - the psy op of Muslim implants to re-educate non Muslims exposed

More Videos and articles too

Andrew Bolt discusses Islam issues

Shock as Australian TV host tells the Grand Mufti to shove it, Australians won't embrace Islam.

Article re: Andrew Bolt video

A deeper dive into the video and general information about Islam. Click the image to read.

This book is a great read - by Harry Richardson

I read this book a few years ago and was surprised at the contents. What led me to even research it was the Brigitte Gabriel "awesome response" video directly above this image

Article: Horrifying details of the Bataclan Theatre massacre revealed

July 16, 2016. Warning: Adults only. This story is disgusting and shocking what happened to these young people.

They are driven by a Messianic Vision

In simple terms that a six year old will understand - What is happening in the Middle East? Iraq and everything else, all these countries are nothing but tribes with flags. We (the west) are in the middle of a tribal fight that has been going on for centuries, for a thousand years. We are not going to be able to make them love each other.

BREAKING NEWS: Major BIBLICAL Discovery Rocks The World – Muslims are LIVID

This new evidence totally demolishes Arab claims to the Holy Land.

Older Videos and articles

Article: An Ex-Muslim’s Open Letter to Muslims of the World

The world is watching us with renewed interest, especially after the Al Qaeda attacks on America, London, Spain, Bali and Mumbai. People have started calling our Holy Quran A WAR MANUAL OR A TERROR MANUAL. Is it not a sad thing?

Obama Admin Sent $100,000 To Known Al-Qaeda Affiliate

Former President Barack Obama’s administration approved taxpayer grants for a group that was identified by the U.S. government as being a terror organization, according to The Daily Wire.

Changing Tracks

A Muslim converts to Christianity. If you are a Muslim find out why he converted in this 3 min video. You need to ask your teacher the same questions. 1. How did God create the Universe? Answer "Through The Word". 2. Word is Creator or Creation? Answer "Jesus is Creator so Muslims must convert to Christianity."

Islam can be confusing to the outsider, these videos and articles help you understand

Brother Rachid

at the 4:18 mark. ...We have been brainwashed to hate all of you in our sacred texts, in our prayers, in our Friday sermons, in our educational systems. We were ready to join any group that would one day fight you and would destroy you....

Debate gets heated over Salman Rushdie stabbing

I have highlighted inside this video to watch the 3 Stages of Jihad video (above), you will then understand this interviewee's stance and then understand Islam completely.

Why is NZ now attacking conspiracy theorists?

Videos and Articles about Islam's future

How the Abbasid Empire created Islam, Muhammad & Mecca in the 8th Century

Click the above image to visit a different webpage with 16 videos about the above topic

Millions Are Converting from Islam to Christianity

In Dinesh D'Souza explain in this video why they are doing this. The screenshot partly explains.



Videos and Articles about anything Islam

Catholic priest burned to death in Nigeria

Where did Hamas come from

This article explains it all and references back to the video above where the Muslim Brotherhood is discussed by Brigitte Gabriel



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David Ashton

Welcome and enjoy. At the moment some fairly nefarious people don't want you to see this information, they have Trillions of dollars at stake and everyone knowing the truth will, dare I say bankrupt them. 

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Horrifying details of the Bataclan Theatre massacre revealed (nypost.com)

July 15, 2016

The Islamic State terrorists who attacked the Bataclan theater in Paris last November not only killed scores of innocents — they also gouged out the eyes and sliced up the genitals of some of the victims, according to testimony in a disturbing French report.

Some victims’ bodies from the second floor of the theater had been beheaded, eviscerated and otherwise mutilated, according to two secondhand accounts reported to a parliamentary commission set up to investigate the attack.

The investigation’s chair, conservative lawmaker Georges Fenech, complained to the commission that details of the mutilations have been kept from families and the press, according to an online transcript.

He also said he had heard of one especially grievous account: The father of one victim had told him that his son had been disemboweled and castrated, with his testicles found in his mouth.

“They had cut off his testicles,” Fenech said during testimony.

French law-enforcement officials who also testified for investigators insisted, meanwhile, that there was no evidence that victim injuries were caused by anything other than gunfire and shrapnel.

One official, Michel Cadot, the prefect of police in Paris, stressed that no knives were recovered from the scene.

“Some of the bodies found at the Bataclan were extremely mutilated by the explosions and weapons, to the point that it was sometimes difficult to reconstruct the dismembered bodies,” said investigator Christian Saint.

But Fenech stood by his account. “Someone put his testicles in his mouth,” he said.

The torture allegations surfaced in March during some 200 hours of testimony before an investigative committee of the French National Assembly.

The investigation found a lack of coordination among European intelligence agencies, which failed to prevent coordinated attacks that left 130 dead at six locations in and near Paris.

“The bodies have not been shown to the families because they are people who are decapitated, people who are bloated and people who have been disemboweled,” one police witness told officials, according to the transcript.

When Fenech asked if the mutilations would have been videotaped by the terrorists, the witness answered, “It seems to me.”

“There are people decapitated, swollen and disemboweled. There are signs of sexual acts committed against women and knife cuts to genitals. If I am not mistaken, some of the eyes of certain people have been removed,” the witness said.

The witness was later asked by Fenech how he had come to learn of the acts of barbarism. He answered that he himself had only witnessed bodies struck by bullets, on the ground floor.

But he learned the gruesome details from another investigator, whom he found vomiting and crying after seeing the carnage upstairs, he told investigators.

“After the assault, we were with our colleagues at the Saint-Pierre-Amelot corridor when I saw an investigator leaving in tears, who was just about to throw up,” the police witness said.

Original Story available at this link.    If unavailable download pdf version from website.


July 12, 2018

Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters

Greetings in the name of Allah, the beneficent and the Merciful!

Today we are fortunate to watch what is happening in the world on TV from our living rooms – whether it is tsunami, floods, earthquakes, plane crashes, refugee camps, the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan etc. In this panorama of world events, we also watch our Muslim brothers continually involve in unending fights in Palestine, Kashmir, Southern Thailand, Mindanao (Philippines), Nigeria, Chechnya, Burma, Xinxiang province in China etc. We also watch Muslims killing Muslims, or Sunnies fighting against Shiites Ahamadias, Bahais, often attacking their Mosques using suicide bombers.

The world is watching us with renewed interest, especially after the Al Qaeda attacks on America, London, Spain, Bali and Mumbai. People have started calling our Holy Quran A WAR MANUAL OR A TERROR MANUAL. Is it not a sad thing?

Please pay careful attention to this letter, which is being translated into 300 to 400 languages and sent to about 500 million Muslims and non-Muslims around the world.

After seeing so much of terrorist attacks by our self-proclaimed Jihadist brothers, non-Muslims have started reading our Holy Koran, Hadith and Sira, and are raising so many questions. Only ten questions are given here with explanations. Please be ready to answer them.

1. Why Allah changed his own statements in the Holy Quran?

The following are examples of the good and kind verses, Allah revealed to our Holy Prophet in Mecca when he had only one wife, Kadhija.

“Be patient with what they say, and part from them courteously” (Q.73:10)

“To you be your religion, and to me my religion.” (Q.109:6)

“Therefore be patient with what they say, and celebrate (constantly) the praises of your Lord” (Q.20:103)

“…and you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: ‘We are Christians”; because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.” (Q.5:82

“We well know what the infidels say: but you are not to compel them”. (Q.50:45)

“Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant” (Q7:119)

“Pardon thou, with a gracious pardoning.” (Q.15:85)

“Tell those who believe, to forgive, to forgive those who do not look forward to the days of Allah.” (Q.45.14)

“Those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians – any who believe in Allah and the last day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” (Q.2:62)

“And do not dispute with the followers of the Book, except what is best.” (Q.29:46)

After the death of Kadhija, our holy Prophet married Sawda, and then under-aged 9-year-old Aisha at the age of 53 and by this time he became very powerful in Medina. However, the Jews and Christians had rejected his claim of prophethood and his call to embrace Islam. Now the attitude of the Prophet and tone of Allah’s subsequent verses dramatically changed. Let us now take a look at the new Koranic verses, and also reflect a little on why Allah could not honour his own earlier words.

“Oh you who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you” (Q.9:123)

“I will instil terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite above their necks and smite all their finger tips off.” (Q.8:12)

“Whoso desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him.” (Q.3:85)

“Slay the idolaters wherever you find them.” (Q.9.5)

“slay them wherever ye catch them.”  (Q.2:191)

“Humiliate them and impose on them a penalty tax if they are Christians or Jews,” (Q.9:29)

“Allah deceived and Allah is the best of deceivers” (Q 3:54)

“Muslims do not take Jews and Christians as your friends” (Q 5:51)

“Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the last day, and fight people of the book.” (Q.9:29)

“O people of the Book (Jews and Christians), do you find fault with us, except that we believe in Allah? Shall I inform you of him who is worse than this in retribution from Allah? Worse is he whom Allah has cursed and brought His wrath upon, and of whom He made apes and swine and he who served idols. Such are in worse plight and far more astray from the straight path” (Q.5:59-60)

If Jews and Christians are the breed of monkeys and pigs in the eyes of Allah, then how it is possible that out of 820 or so Nobel Prize winners, 800 belonged to the People of the Book (Christians 620, Jews 180)?

Have you noticed that all inventions and discoveries that we use today, from safety-pin to aspirin, were made by people who never read our Holy Quran?

How we, the Muslims, can demand respect from others without any contribution to humanity?

2. Accusation of our Holy Prophet of being a paedophile?

According to Sahih Al-Bukhari (Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236), our Holy Prophet married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.

Is it normal for a 50-year-old Holy Prophet to fall in love with a 9-year-old girl and for a 53-year-old Holy Prophet to consummate a 9-year-old girl?

Was he the best of Allah’s creation, as we claim?

Are we to follow this example and marry six-year-old girls?

3. Accusation that our Holy Prophet a looter of caravans, a rapist and a slave trader?

Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459:

“We went out with Allah’s Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives and we desired women and we loved to do coitus interruptus.( molesting  the women  and withdrawing before ejaculation, because pregnant women are difficult to sell in the slave trade) So we asked Allah’s Apostle, he said, ‘It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul is predestined to exist, it will exist.”

This hadith proves that our Prophet looted caravans, raped captured women and was involved in slave trade.

Accordingly, non-Muslims are accusing our Holy Prophet of being a looter, rapist and slave trader. How do we counter these accusations?

4. Accusation that our Holy Prophet was a mass murderer?

According to Sahih Bukhari (Volume 4, Book 52, Number 280), after 25 days of holding Banu Qurayza besieged, the Jews eventually surrendered unconditionally as was demanded by our Holy Prophet. By the order of our Holy Prophet, between 600 and 900 of the Jewish men were beheaded.

Even if these Jews were found ‘treacherous’, was he not a “mercy of God to mankind” as Allah has said in the Quran? How could he then commit this horrendous massacre?

Yet, our Prophet boasted of such cruelties: “I have been made victorious through terror”. (Bukhari 4:52:220)

Soon after our Holy prophet set foot in Medina, he started his campaign of terror.  His followers have been doing the same ever since until this day.

5. Accusation of polygamy against our Holy Prophet

After Kadhija’s death when our Prophet was 50 years old, he had more than 20 wives and concubines. They were: Sawda, Aisha, Hafsa, Zaynab biny khuzayma, Umm Salama Rayhana, Zaynab bint Jahsh, Juwariya, Safiya, Barra, and Maria etc. Many of them were beautiful young widows from war-booty between the ages of 15 to 20.

6. Did Our Holy Prophet marry his own daughter-in-law Zainab?

Our Holy Prophet peeped through the window of his adopted son Zaid’s house and found Zaid’s wife Zainab in her night dress, which aroused his sexual desires for her. When Zaid heard about it, he become heart-broken, and divorced Zainab so that our Holy Prophet, his father, could marry her. And to clear the way for him to marry his daughter-in-law, which was not approved in Arab societies, our Prophet produced the following Quranic verse:

“You did hide in yourself that which Allâh will make manifest, you did fear the people whereas Allâh had a better right that you should fear Him. So when Zaid had accomplished his desire from her (i.e. divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage, so that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in respect of (the marriage of) the wives of their adopted sons when the latter have no desire to keep them. And Allâh’s Command must be fulfilled” (Q.33:37).

Was this verse, which gives Muslims licence to marry the wife of their adopted sons, needed for guiding humanity to the right path?

7. Why Our Holy Prophet had broken the promise given to his 12 wives?

Mariah was a very beautiful Coptic Christian slave-girl of Hafsa, a wife of our Prophet. Though our prophet had promised to his wives that he would not have sex with Mariah, he cleverly planned and sent Hafsa out to her father Omar’s house on the pretext of an urgent matter, and had sex with Mariah when Hafsa was gone. When Hafsa found out that father didn’t call for her and returned home quickly, she found our Holy Prophet having sex with Maria in her bed.

In this awful situation, how did Our Holy prophet react? He pulled out another Quranic verse, allegedly coming from Allah, to give him divine license to commit such sexual act:

“O Prophet! Why do you ban (for yourself) that which Allâh has made lawful to you, seeking to please your wives? And Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Allâh has already ordained for you (O men), the dissolution of your oaths. And Allâh is your Maula (Protector.) and He is the All-Knower, the All-Wise”. (Q.66:1-5)

Is this verse needed to be there in the Quran for guiding humankind to the right path? Or was devised just to cover his sexual pleasures?

Intelligent Aisha, being the favourite wife, knew our prophet well and rightly said: “Allah really sends his verses at and for your convenience, Rasool Allah!”

8. Is Allah the pagan moon God?

Was not our Prophet’s father named Abdullah, meaning “slave of Allah”? If so, how this Allah came into existence before our Prophet was born? Was this the pagan moon god Allah which the people of Quraish in Arabia, revered and worshiped? How this idol moon god of the Arabs became the heavenly one God for Muslims?

9. Why the rights of a woman in the Muslim world are so weak?

In Islam, a woman can be beaten by her husband (Q:4:34); the Quran and Hadith give her no right to divorce her husband; her testimony in court is half the value of a man’s; her inheritance is half what her brother gets; and she cannot leave the house officially without her husband’s permission.

Under sharia law, for a violated woman to prove that she was raped, not committed adultery, she must produce four male witnesses. So, how can a woman prove that she was raped? Does rape happen in front of four men? Was there any incident in the world that four men came to the court and said they have witnessed the rape? How do we justify this law, cruel to women?

10. Why Muslim women must wear burka?

When our Holy Prophet died at the age of 63, Aisha was 18 years old and his other wives, except Sawda, were between 23 and 27 years of age. On his later years in life, probably when our Holy Prophet became sexually weak and was unable to satisfy his wives, he faced a serious problem of protecting his 12 young and beautiful wives from the lustful glance of others. Hence, he ordered his wives and also the concubines to cover them from head to toe. This burqa dress has become the symbol of ‘modesty’ for women in Islam today. Please remember that our Prophet’s first wife Kadhija never wore burqa. Today, half a billion Muslim women have to veil themselves, because our Prophet had devised this dress-code to cover for his sexual weakness (impotence).

Islam, the fastest-growing religion?

We Muslims proudly claim that Islam is the fastest-growing religion. Islam is not the fastest-growing religion in terms of conversion. Sheikh Ahmad Al Katani gave Aljazeera T.V. the following facts and figures: “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.” (note that even two professors and Imams of Egypt’s most prestigious Al Azhar University, Dr. Mustafa (now Mark Gabriel) and Dr. Mohammad Rahoumy (now Dr. Samuel Paul) have left Islam, because of the unacceptable teachings of the Koran.)

But Islam is certainly the fastest-breeding religion. If you can have up to four wives and take a lot of children without bothering about their future and well being, that’s what will happen. The population will increase fast, but your community will be poor with hunger, and lack of education and jobs.


My dear Muslim brothers and sisters, please do not treat this letter as an American or Jewish propaganda. We love you very much. Why? Because we were Muslims like you before. We want you to see the truth for your self. If you have any doubt about this letter ask, any educated Muslim, but not a Mullah, who will be angry with you. You may have heard this story. A young Muslim asked a Mullah:

“When Allah created Adam & Eve, that is one woman to one man, how is it that our Holy Prophet had more than 12 wives and allowed us to have 4 wives? Because of this, we Muslims are poor everywhere?” The Mullah slapped on his face and shouted: “Don’t ask questions: believe and obey what we say.”

The Mullahs want you to remain chained in the 7th-century Arab culture. When we, the ex-Muslims, studied Koran, Ahadith and Sira together, with a logical and analytical mind, we found that Islam was not what we were taught in childhood: Islam is the best religion and Prophet Muhammad was the finest man in history. In fact, the exact opposite is the truth. And we became heart broken; we felt depressed; shame, shock, guilt, and frustration. But eventually, we came through that difficult stage, and got enlightened and freedom from the shackles of Islam. However painful was the process, we came out strong, confident and happy. Believe us: only after we were out of the bounds of Islam, we realized that how great a feeling it is not to live a lie and to be free. Please look around the world on the TV, the Kaffir people in Northern Ireland, South Africa and Punjab have found peace and are pursuing higher education, prosperity and happiness. You all know that India, Pakistan and Bangladesh (East Pakistan) got freedom on the night of 14 August 1947. The idol-worshiping Indians are progressing well and steadily toward a superpower nation, but Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, who follow “allegedly” the best religion and ‘greatest prophet and human being ever on earth’, are struggling to exist as nations. India is building 1,200 km fence to stop the hungry Muslims from crossing into India.

We the ex-Muslims will have no greater joy than seeing you – the Muslim brethren of our birth-religion – progress, prosper and excel in the race of civilization. For that to happen, leaving the false, backward, unjust and cruel religion of Islam and walking the path of truth and justice and loving humanity is essential.

May God bless you abundantly.

Yours truly,

Roman (An Ex-Muslim)

Note:  The following ex-Muslims have written some books about Islam. You can read them.

Dr. Ali Sina: Understanding Muhammad

M. A. Khan:  Islamic Jihad

Wafa Sultan: A God Who Hates

Dr. Mustafa (Professor & Imam): The mind of an Islamic Terrorist

Nonie Darwish: Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Farhan Qureshi (Islamic scholar)

Original website : https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/an-ex-muslims-open-letter-to-muslims-of-the-world/ (no longer functioning)


After you have watched this video, to further your education I recommend you watch the 3 Stages of Jihad Video on this page if you haven't yet listened to it.

This video is a very interesting to which the subject line refers to Iran. The subject line is mentioned at 1:23:46 of the video.

Further, Brigitte Gabriel at 1:26:06 mentions we should forget about democratizing IRAQ, we will never do it. This is because she mentions that Islam and Democracy are not compatible.

In simple terms that a six year old will understand - What is happening in the Middle East? Iraq and everything else, all these countries are nothing but tribes with flags. We (the west) are in the middle of a tribal fight that has been going on for centuries, for a thousand years. We are not going to be able to make them love each other.

Iran wants to wipe out Saudi Arabia, Syria and so on.

The biggest messages I got from this video, and others closely related to it:

  1. Islam is a religion that is not compatible with Democracy
  2. Islam has a 100 year plan to take over the world and will succeed by having more children than western civilisations
  3. Islam are using the western world tolerance and good christian behaviours against us to infiltrate our governments, schools, hospitals etc
  4. Islam are teaching hate to their children from birth
  5. The promise of martyrdom and eternal life is how they are convincing Muslims to ingrain this belief into their families
  6. The Koran is more bad than good because it's teaching are the opposite of what is good. Christian religions aren't perfect either, but have been modified and adjusted to current practices which is very loving
  7. Jihad is being used to make Muslims choose Islam first, then country and then family in that order
  8. The people who you see today on TV saying the Muslims are victims are in fact the bad Muslims who are trying to brainwash us, and that is their only mission
  9. Practicing Muslims are not to be trusted because they will not hesitate to kill you in the name of Allah if asked
  10. Political correctness has to go.
0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

25 July 2018: A new report released on Wednesday revealed that the Obama administration knowingly provided an Islamic terrorist-financing organization with hundreds of thousands of dollars despite the fact that the group had been designated as a terrorist-financing organization for a decade by the U.S. government.

Former President Barack Obama’s administration approved taxpayer grants for a group that was identified by the U.S. government as being a terror organization, according to The Daily Wire. In fact, the group was connected to Osama Bin Laden, the former leader of al Qaeda who was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks on U.S. soil that resulted in roughly 3,000 Americans being killed.

Obama is most likely Gog as mentioned in The Bible.


Shock as Australian TV host tells the Grand Mufti to shove it, Australians won't embrace Islam

I copied this webpage word for word as I am not confident it will be allowed to remain up (refer to link at the bottom for the original site source).

Liberals and leftists in the West use the made up term "Islamophobia" to portray anyone who criticizes Islam as a racist.

Terrorists all over the world carry out terror attacks "in the name of Allah". They justify their violence by quoting verses from the Quran.

Islamophobia is a made up word created specifically to silence debate. It's a buzzword used in an attempt to silence anyone, whenever had legit questions or criticisms about the religion.

Britain, the US and Australia should stop funding the UN. The U.N. General Assembly elected Qatar, Congo and Pakistan to its top human rights body, joining existing members such as Saudi Arabia, China, Cuba and Venezuela. 

Countries that practice Sharia laws have been chosen to be human rights watchdogs. 

Even a country like Iran has been given a seat in the UN Human Rights Council. 

Iran Where women are stoned to death, where gays are executed in a public square. 

Christians are brutally persecuted in the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

Pastors are jailed for no reason, no reason other than for being Christian leaders. Christians have been lashed for sipping wine during prayer services; Christians have been brutally tortured for doing nothing more than practicing their faith.

Saudi Arabia is the head of the Human Rights Council, a country where there are no Christian citizens, even Christian migrant workers are persecuted by the authorities if they practice their religion. 

No religion is allowed to exist in Saudi Arabia except Islam, anyone who leaves Islam is executed. 

Pakistan is the worst country for Christians to live in. 

Under sharia blasphemy law Muslims murder Christians on false charges of insulting the Prophet Muhammad and the Koran. 

These countries are kidnapping the UN bodies to push the anti-Israel and anti-Western agenda. 

They use the United Nations to attack Israel which is the only democratic state in the Middle East where Christians are free and women are not considered citizens in rank. 

In the last two years Benjamin Netanyahu cut 90% of Israeli aid to the UN after U.N.'s Cultural Agency passed a resolution denying the Jewish and Christian connection to Jerusalem. 

Western countries should follow Israel - Cut all funding & Announce Withdrawal From U.N.

https://free-speechtimes.blogspot.com/2018/11/shock-as-australian-tv-host-tells-grand.html (webpage removed as suspected it would be).


July 12, 2018

This is exciting! Muslims are pissed because there is new evidence that the Jews ruled Israel long before Palestinians.

If you want to know that the Bible is true, all you need to do is look at Israel.

Archeologists there have made a biblical discovery that is the first of its kind, and the Muslim world is FURIOUS. This new evidence totally demolishes Arab claims to the Holy Land.

Charisma News reports that the royal seal of King Hezekiah, who ruled around 700 BC, has been added to the Israel’s extensive collection of ancient artifacts.

Hezekiah is described in the Bible as a righteous and courageous monarch who greatly expanded the city of Jerusalem.

“This is the first time that a seal impression of an Israelite or Judean king has ever come to light in a scientific archaeological excavation,” said chief archeologist Eilat Mazar.

The detailed clay seal, known as a bulla, was uncovered near the southern part of the wall surrounding Jerusalem’s Old City. It was mistakenly buried in a refuse dump around the time of the Israelite king.

After five years of research, a team member was able to decipher the text.

The dots help separate the words: “Belonging to Hezekiah (son of) Ahaz king of Judah.”

Mazar explained why Israeli researchers are so ecstatic over the find:

“It’s always a question, what are the real facts behind biblical stories. Here we have a chance to get as close as possible to the person himself, to the king himself.”

Original source (website now offline) http://godsgotitisrael.com/2016/03/15/breaking-news-major-biblical-discovery-rocks-the-world-muslims-are-livid/
