First video published 17 October 2020.
This video series have been gathered together from multiple sources. Over many months I discovered the information from various different sources, then put it all together here in one place. And then someone based on a eyewitness released exactly who killed him and other information.
As Q said, these people are sick....
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Part Three ties it all together as the true killers of Seth Rich are finally revealed thanks to Lin Wood. Update 6 August 2022 - McCreevey charged. We will have to wait and see if his allegations in here are true. See screenshot.
Video added 4th May 2021
Same old same old. They are trying to cover up everything, and now Rudy Guiliani is the new General Flynn - find a crime or make one up to silence him. Download the interesting article about the US Ambassador.
How to control people in high positions?
Blackmail is common. In fact you usually cannot get to the top of your public field if they cannot control you. John Roberts is proof of that in this story. pdf download.
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David Ashton
Welcome and enjoy. At the moment some fairly nefarious people don't want you to see this information, they have Trillions of dollars at stake and everyone knowing the truth will, dare I say bankrupt them.
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