They apologised, only after the outrage. Like attracts like.
It must be pretty bad if it reaches around the world and gets mentioned on the No 2 podcast in the USA, who has over 2.5 million viewers just on Rumble, not including all the other channels.

I agree with the facebook poster, this guys needs our prayers because he is off to hell if we don’t.
Are Things Finally About to Get Better? These Two News Stories Give Me Hope
Dan Bongino discusses the Project apology. This is a clip from the full episode below.
What‘s the WHO Up To? (Ep. 1960) – The Dan Bongino Show
In this episode, I address the troubling new move by the World Health Organization that could destroy civil liberties and freedom.
News Picks:
- Merrick Garland is a disgrace to humankind.
- Senators claims sources are feeding information to the DOJ about Hunter Biden.
- Is the IRS preparing to audit more white and Asian people?
- World Health Organization is getting closer to being granted expanded surveillance powers.
- The WHO is pushing for more vaccine passports.
- Faith-based movie crushes box office expectations.