Editor, cairns news Sep 19 2022

Another brother has fallen, code named “The Cat” (Kot), he was a fearless soul, someone that would easily stride into enemy territory to destroy warehouses full of enemy firearms and munitions. On one such mission on the way out they come across an enemy tank. This particular tank seemed somewhat off-balanced as its turret was pointing up while steadily revolving all without purpose. So, curiosity got the better of them, they cautiously approached the rear of the tank. On close inspection the access panels had been welded shut, including the man hole at the top of the tank. So, a friendly conversation followed, it turns out the Ukrainians inside the tank were trapped, welded in by the Ukrainian right sector.
These young men were told to go and fight the Russians something that wasn’t first and foremost in their hearts. To pass a friendly cigarette to the trapped Ukrainians the Russians poked them down the barrel of the gun. After some effort the Russians were able to free these men whom were extremely grateful as they thought that the Cossacks would be inclined to kill them but they didn’t.
Then they came across another two such tanks while opening the third tank “The Cat” was shot in the back by a Ukrainian sniper, the Cat bled out. Numerous incursions by The Cat and never a scratch until now, when news of his deeds reached Moscow, he was awarded the medal of honor, he truly was one of the best.

My men reported back last night, it seems there was a terrible fire fight in the kавидов бров in the Kharkov region. My Cossack brothers destroyed many young Ukrainians, many of them would have been lucky to have reached the age of 17 years all wearing new uniforms, my brothers hearts are full of sorrow for what transpired.
This is a pain they’ll carry for the rest of their lives. I was informed that the bodies were literally piled up three people deep. Not only are our fighting brothers dying but we are ploughing under our other brothers for no good reason. Zelensky lost approximately 4000 people in this fight, in an area roughly 2 square kilometres. This pig personally gave the order to mobilise these young men.
Indian, China and Pakistan have refused to buy US hydrocarbons and have turned to Russia as their preferred supplier. The RF has mobilised a large force in the Nikolaevka region. There the Ukrofascists tried another counter offensive. In the first attempt they lost 800 souls in the second they lost 300 as well as 80 pieces heavy military hardware. A warehouse stocked full of munitions was levelled.
More news soon, if Australian authorities (ASIS and Australian Signals Directorate) do not keep trying to censor our communications.
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