Q real or fake? These links tell you
Kelly Benjamin on March 9, 2020 at 5:28 pm A comment left at prayingmedic.com lead me to writing this article today. In fact it isn't written by me, I have just copied
Kelly Benjamin on March 9, 2020 at 5:28 pm A comment left at prayingmedic.com lead me to writing this article today. In fact it isn't written by me, I have just copied
Breaking News Update 7 November 2022. New video added from Praying Medic about Ukraine and the Q post. Jump to the bottom of the page and watch it. Learn how Politicians
I am thinking. Has the Australian Government been doing this? Think all the foreign aid. Can we trace the money? Thank you Q. Here is the link to the pdf in
That is their headline not mine. I didn't watch their story. In fact I stopped watching Q&A years ago because their stories are all lies. Bullshit in fact. But yes
Unless this is Fake News (highly likely) then what is happening here? You need to remember: The MSM don't want us informed. The MSM are trying to divide. The Deep
There is a separation going on right now. Light V Dark. The spiritual war that started in 1981 is now coming to the physical realm as it always has in
This article was first published on September 30, 2013. Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than
Proof the Illuminati are real. Do your own research and investigate further via Youtube and so on. Do not research via google, bing and duck duck go as they are