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Following massive nationwide awareness and blowback to his infiltration of law and order in America, George Soros is speaking out in his defense, and all he has is newspeak and lies.
A longtime funder of any leftist cause he’s seen, Soros has made an increasing effort to go local in U.S. politics in the past decade, which has been wildly successful for him at the expense of the American public. Soros has spent over $40 million backing 75 far-left prosecutors that now represent half of America’s largest jurisdictions, giving them control over law and order in the lives of 72 million Americans. In what must be a first, certain district attorneys have become household names in recent years, and they’re all backed by Soros. Among them includes Kim Foxx (known for trying to cover up the Jussie Smollett fiasco), the recently-recalled Chesa Boudin in San Francisco, Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, George Gascon in Los Angeles, and Alvin Bragg in Manhattan, among many, many others.
In reviewing the prosecutors backed by Soros in researching for my book “The Man Behind the Curtain,” it became immediately evident that they’re all cut from the same ideological cloth, with the only real difference between them being how their warped worldview manifests in policy. Generally speaking the typical Soros-backed prosecutor openly makes anti-police statements, supports defunding police, speaks about criminals as if they’re the true victims in any situation, pushes for the lowest possible sentences for criminals, wants to redefine most crimes out of existence, wants to abolish bail and significantly reduce the prison population, believes that major institutions are racist, and opposes enforcing laws against quality of life offenses.
Yesterday Soros published an op-ed titled “Why I Support Reform Prosecutors” in the Wall Street Journal (which has been overwhelmingly critical of Soros-backed prosecutors in their past reporting) to try to justify his indefensible ideology.
Soros starts by claiming that the prison system is racist because people who commit crimes go to jail, writing that “We need to acknowledge that black people in the U.S. are five times as likely to be sent to jail as white people. That is an injustice that undermines our democracy.” Soros is making a basic statistical error here, in that there being five more black people in prison (per capita) than white people does not mean they are five times more likely to be sent to jail. If they were five times more likely to be sent to jail, that would mean that was for committing the same crimes at the same rates – yet the demographics of America’s prison population perfectly overlaps with the demographics of those charged with committing crimes. If Soros can find an example of a single country where the prison population perfectly matches the demographics of the population at large, he’s free to provide it.
Another common tactic of the progressive prosecutors movement is to vaguely claim to only be against “non-violent” criminals. Soros claims his agenda “includes prioritizing the resources of the criminal-justice system to protect people against violent crime. It urges that we treat drug addiction as a disease, not a crime. And it seeks to end the criminalization of poverty and mental illness.”
Bizarrely, in a nation ravaged by the fentanyl epidemic, it’s still somehow the case that most people think “non-violent drug offender” is a synonym for someone who got caught smoking a joint at a block party (of drug offenders in federal prison, 99.5% are there for trafficking). While one can debate how much enforcement is appropriate for lower level drug offenses (particularly those involving the use of hard drugs), it’s clearly not enough in cities like San Francisco and Philadelphia where open air drug markets and public use are common, making those areas uninhabitable for local residents, and breeding more crime in the process.
Similarly, for Soros, ending the “criminalization of poverty and mental illness” is just more word play, which simply means not enforcing laws against shoplifting (as became clear in San Francisco).
Soros blames other factors for the recent national crime wave, including “a disturbing rise in mental illness among young people due to the isolation imposed by Covid lockdowns, a pullback in policing in the wake of public criminal-justice reform protests, and increases in gun trafficking.” Soros is all over the place here – as he himself advocated lockdowns and called for keeping the economy in “sleep mode” in the early days of COVID back in April 2020, and has supported the exact kind of people responsible for pullbacks in policing.
- Soros pumped nearly $1.5 million into backing Larry Krasner in the Democrat primary for the Philadelphia district attorney election, which Krasner won. He campaigned on “social reform” and reducing the prison population. Chants of “f*** the police” could be heard at his victory party.
- In the case of the since-recalled Chesa Boudin in San Francisco, chants of “f*** the police” were to be heard at his victory party. He pulled off his victory with $620k from Soros and other backers including Chloe Cockburn, a Democracy Alliance partner, and the Tides Foundation, and since being recalled, Soros has tried to deny backing him.
- In Suffolk County Soros backed DA Rachael Rollins (who is now US Attorney for Massachusetts), a woman reportedly “exhausted” because police officers “shoot us in the street as if we were animals.” In an op-ed titled “The Public Safety Myth,” Rollins argues that “We have been told that our communities are safer with each criminal that our local law enforcement locks up—often for low-level offenses like drug possession, shoplifting, or loitering. The problem with this narrative is that it’s largely false, predicated on a pervasive and pernicious myth known as ‘broken windows’ theory.”
- Ten days after taking office, Portland DA Mike Schmidt (backed with $320k from Soros) he announced that he’d refuse to prosecute the city’s rioters, defending them as people who “represent the instinctive reactions of people who have been gassed repeatedly, who have been struck with kinetic projective weapons.” Even though rioting is a felony, he doesn’t prosecute those cases. He refuses to prosecute individuals for “interfering with a peace officer, disorderly conduct in the second degree, criminal trespass in the first or second degree, escape in the third degree, and harassment and riot when it isn’t accompanied by a separate charge.”
- Soros spent $652k on José Garza, who won his race to become DA of Travis County. Three weeks into the job, Garza indicted an officer on use of force charges, even though that officer’s 2019 case was investigated by the previous DA and he wasn’t indicted. The political stunt failed and Garza ended up having to drop charges after another review of the incident. Garza claimed that “new evidence” was behind his decision to drop the charges he brought—but the supposed “old evidence” had already led to the same conclusion years prior
Soros also tries to claim hypocrisy on the right because “Many of the same people who call for more-punitive criminal-justice policies also support looser gun laws.” This is hardly hypocritical, as guns can be used in self-defense too (and often are, with estimates on self-defensive gun use ranging from a bare minimum of 100,000 cases to 2.5 million). On the flipside, “many of the same people” who call for stricter gun control for you and I support lesser punishments for career criminals when they’re caught breaking gun laws. Given that the majority of gun homicides in America’s major cities (up to 80% according to some estimates) are committed with illegal guns, putting up barriers to legal gun ownership clearly does little to deter them, and thus only enforcing laws against illegal guns can impact them (such as issuing harsh sentencing for criminals caught illegally carrying guns).
To give just one example; Philadelphia has an accelerated rehabilitative disposition (ARD) program; a pretrial program for some first-time offenders that allows them to get off with a lighter probationary sentence. In the year before Soros-backed Larry Krasner’s election, only twelve cases qualified for diversion. During his first year in office, seventy-eight were referred to ARD. One such case involved a man charged with carrying a concealed gun in what was his first arrest in June 2018. He qualified for ARD and was given two years of probation. In the following March in 2019, he was arrested again on gun-possession charges, released from jail after the judge granted a defense motion for unsecured bail, and then by June, a full year after his first arrest, he was charged with murder.
Krasner went easier on that criminal than another Soros-backed DA, Kimberly Gardner, went on the McCloskeys for daring to stand outside their home armed as a mob broke into their neighborhood.
Non-firearm self-defense isn’t viewed favorably by the Soros-backed DA’s either, as we just recently saw in the case of Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who only dropped a murder charge against a bodega owner who defended himself with a knife after mass public outcry.
Making matters even more laughable, Soros also included an argument that surely even he is too intelligent to believe; that it’s red states, not blue states, that are the most violent in America.
Of course, the entire reason Soros has gone local and backed DAs is because they enjoy a great deal of autonomy in what laws get enforced, and the penalties for them. If a blue city in a red state has a Soros-backed DA, any “tough on crime” policies that may exist elsewhere in the state don’t exist there.
The list of the most dangerous cities is topped by St. Louis (which has a Soros-backed DA), Missouri and Jackson, Mississippi, which are in red states but run by Democrats. The same is true for New Orleans (fourth on the list), Memphis (sixth), Cleveland (seventh), Baton Rouge (eighth), Kansas City (ninth), and Shreveport (tenth).
Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros