Yesterday I wrote a vicious article about Andrew Cuomo. This goes just one step further verifying my thoughts, and it appears there are others involved as well.
Should the following original article be deleted then I have saved it as a pdf. There were two links inside the original article, I have saved them all to this one pdf –
Where did I find this story? at of course
=======todays article starts here======
A few days ago the World Health Organization’s European regional director garnered global headlines by providing a grim statistic that pinpoints the ground zero in this coronavirus pandemic.
More than half of the COVID-19 deaths in Europe have occurred in long-term care or nursing home facilities. It is “an unimaginable human tragedy,” Dr. Hans Kluge declared.
Europe is not alone. At least one in five deaths recorded in the United States so far has occurred in nursing homes or long-term care facilities and experts believe that percentage may grow substantially.
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