These allegations are from a Telegram Post uncovered today. See images next. Text from this post has been copied onto this page, as well as the two videos. See some important links at the bottom, all about this same topic I discussed back in 2022. You see, I knew back then and even well before there was no way Politicians on the wages they earned, could leave office being multi-millionaires, without there being some money laundering involved.

David Ashton
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Visit this page posted in 2022 for more news about money laundering

This is absolutely huge! This story is now everywhere including the MSM legacy media. And why it is even more important is that Australia is about to have its Federal Election. Do you not think that the Australian politicians on both sides including the current and former Prime Ministers are not receiving kickbacks and bribes from this money laundering operation? Well they are. Look at who they meet and who they are involved with. Peter Dutton even is a full supporter of Ukraine and its war that has been uncovered to be one of the largest beneficiaries of this money laundering operation. Peter Dutton is also on the take and a paid puppet just like Anthony Albanese and Scott Morrison.

Did you know that Daniel Andrews personally met with Joe Biden in Melbourne as well as Hilary Clinton prior to the covid scam that has now genocided millions of people?

Did you also know that Peter Dutton was the Minister of Defence under Scott Morrison before and during covid and then just the year prior to the covid scam Peter Dutton organised a secret/not so secret meeting and gathering of all the heads of the intelligence agencies in, yes, Melbourne, Australia to discuss the implementation of the draconian and illegal measures and the NWO rollout we endured for the last 4 years? Present in that meeting was the heads of the CIA, FBI, NSA, Mossad (Israeli Intelligence), GCHQ (British equivalent of the NSA) and ASD (Australian Signals Directorate – the Australian NSA).

But wait, you didn’t know about that meeting? That’s because you were all distracted by the “needles in strawberries” propaganda smoke screen that was on the front page of every newspaper so that none of you knew what was happening. Remember that story? At exactly the same time they also revoked the visa of and banned David Icke from entering the country and giving a speech in Melbourne at the same time Peter Dutton’s meeting was to take place. That is because he would have told everyone what is happening and about to happen in Australia and especially Melbourne.

Peter Dutton, Scott Morrison, Anthony Albanese, Daniel Andrews, Brett Sutton, Jane Halton, the Governor General and all the major politicians and premiers are on the take and paid by this money laundering operation that is beginning to be uncovered. Where do you think they got the money from to pay for their multi-million dollar property portfolios on a government income and their staggering increase in personal wealth? They are all guilty of treason.

There is a webarchive backup of this video

For more information on who is involved and how this scam worked watch the below video. It names names and their companies. Compare this list to the list of people and companies that is being uncovered by DOGE right now. They’re the same.

Australian Political Crime Family Responsbile For COVID Exposed

Watch the show unfold and heads roll.

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