Thanks to Derek Johnson for the following information. With the uncertainty of Telegram at this time with the CEO being arrested by communist France, I will create images and copy the text here all as a backup.
Now it’s time to catch up on the last 8 years on one read. Lucky you!!
Before I do, lets revisit a November 2023 video that says everything you need to know. Visit this page for all the intel.

Post 8373 – embedded Telegram Post is below
How you address your liberal/democrat family, friends, or blue / red checks on social media:
There’s a LOT of “blue checks” who need to be shut down.
There’s a huge difference in an “opinion” versus misleading the public with propaganda and surface-level nonsense.
If you’re going to talk about Legalities… you might want to know the Laws and Orders, especially those CURRENTLY in place.
Great example, one blue check put up a meme today that says:
“Dear MAGA, Trump wasn’t indicted by Jack Smith, Trump was indicted by a federal grand jury.” – Anonymous.
Well, “anonymous,” you’re anonymous because you’re a fustilarian who does not know much ado about anything that’s in currently in place.
First and foremost, Military and Federal Laws are separate, you might want to check your History and also the clarification by the Supreme Court in 2016 in the Military Justice Act of 2016 passed in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act.
Second, Military Laws and Orders paired with Executive Orders with National Emergencies plus bipartisan Federal Legislation more than clearly outline a Military Occupation, Government in Exile, and Continuity of Operations.
What’s so awesome about the two hottest topics on the Internet right now… President Trump at Arlington National Cemetery and the “Indictment” are both epic and awesome, as they’re bringing to the closure that’s leading to the Final Battle of 2024.
“I will be totally exonerated.”
“November 5 will be the Final Battle.”
“We have to get it right that day.”
“I hope the Military revolts at the Voting Booth.” (We don’t vote at voting booths).
“I will be free November 5, 2024.”
“The Great Liberation starts November 5, 2024.”
Along with recent speeches:
“We aren’t worried about votes. We have enough votes. We are focused on their cheating.”
Pair those with 2020 quote:
“We have it ALL. We’ve caught them ALL.”
Now, let’s break down what “all” is…
We have a Nation where on average 68% to 75% of Americans cannot simply name the 3 Branches of Government… but look at all those on the internet in the comment boxes who want their “Freedom of Speech.”
Many Liberals “claim” to “support” the Military and Constitution, yet do not know ANYTHING about the two. They definitely do NOT even know the Military Laws and Orders are separate from Federal Laws and Orders. They “claim” to be about America, but they reflect the views of Progressives, Marxists, Communists, Socialists, and Fascists.
Hell, there’s a lot of “Republicans” and “Conservatives” who do not know ANYTHING about the Military Laws and Orders, Federal Laws and Orders, their separation, and how the Military can most certainly intervene by Law and the Constitution, as amended, if Laws and Orders cannot be enforced.
One, the Declaration of Independence gives us that right.
Two, the Writ of Habeas Corpus, the Suspension Clause, Article 1 Section 9 Clause 2 in the Constitution gives that authority. The Suspension Clause is the suspension of the United States Constitution and when that happens, Martial Law is invoked.
On January 20, 2017, at the same time President Trump said, “we are taking the power out of Washington D.C. and giving it back to you the people,” a group of Officers of the Military walked behind him…
The one to the left (looking at screen) had a headband: Military Intelligence.
The one to the right (looking at screen) had a headband: Judge Advocate General.
Although every single soldier since January 20, 2021, shown around “Joe” and “Kamala” have been in non-regulation uniforms where something was out of place or wrong shoes, ribbons, badges, etc., there’s been a Military Intelligence or Psychological Operations insignia.
Many “blue checks” want to use the Law when it benefits their diminutive perspective and nanoscopic range of vocabulary and knowledge on the arena of what’s taking place.
Post 8374 – embedded Telegram Post is below
Not to mention, most in that defined area, “claim” to “support” the Military, the Constitution, but all fail to leave out the Military’s Laws, Orders, Regulations, and Customs, plus the Declaration of Independence which allowed the Constitution to be written and have a chance to survive.
These same flapping gums with diluted brains also overuse, misconstrue, misuse, butcher, twist and manipulate the words: “we the people,” unity, respect, faith, love, etc. Those are all actions, not just words pushed with air.
All that matters is who’s in Command of the United States Military, the Generals. And by the very reason I have an existence and presence on social media with 800,000 following is due to presenting the evidence via Official Government and Military sites with the RECEIPTS to show a Government-in-Exile is not just some old fogey term plus a Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations invoked and ongoing.
Many of you “claim” to hate President Trump and don’t even know why. You’re all a Saint when you’re talking about someone else’s sins.
Taking power out of the Federal Government and giving it back to the States and people actually gives you more freedom of choice and freedom period. If you think otherwise, you’ve been brainwashed. Not to mention, but to mention, where has big government gotten everyone since it really nosedived in the 1960s to present day?
I can assure you, this is NOT the ‘Checks n’ Balances’ our Founders spoke about. The Washington Establishment aka The Deep State aka The Swamp…
They created problems they already had solutions to.
They start a fire, run and yell, “fire!” And then put out the very “fire” they started and the low-level IQ and brainwashed “Americans” start yelling, “you’re heroes!”
Chaos plus Division = Power Acquisition.
President Trump told the world on the 2016 Campaign trail he had 200 backing him with more to come; he has 800 plus. 14 Generals commanded World War II. Let that sink in.
For those who think this is a Federal Indictment. Let me enlighten you on some real Laws and Orders.
One, you’ve been watching an Operation. A strategic and well-planned Operation that’s bipartisan. So, you’re watching a movie. Many of it’s been delayed and you’re seeing re-enactments.
Two, you don’t know much about the “Law” at all.
On September 12, 2018, President Trump signed Executive Order 13848 and declared a National Emergency. That Executive Order with a National Emergency has been Continued 3 years in a row by “Biden”…
That’s the Executive Order with National Emergency for Foreign Election Interference.
You really think that President Trump signed his own legacy death warrant?
Whether you think he has a legacy or not… 99% who hate the man claim he’s the King of Ego. You really think he’d be the first to sign an Executive Order with a National Emergency of its kind, if he didn’t already know?
“We have it all. We’ve caught them all.”
The EO has a key line in it:
“…although no foreign power has altered the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election…”
Altered the outcome = mine and your vote on a normal level.
That means some group / entity with an agenda has.
Altered the vote tabulation = January 6.
Many Americans thought January 6, 2021, was specifically due to “Biden” and “President Trump”… Naw… January 6 is the day set by Congress to tally the State Electoral College votes and certify the President.
Everyone witnessed history on January 6, 2021, as Alabama and Alaska had certified both states for President Trump, in the Arizona Count, there were 2 Objections. Conveniently and immediately after those Objections, the “Insurrection” took place.
“No votes or papers from any other State shall be acted upon until the objections previously made to the votes or papers from any State shall have been finally disposed of.”
Post 8375 – embedded Telegram Post is below
That did NOT happen. When the “smoke cleared”… the Senate came back in and never stopped to convene on the 2 Objections as outlined in 3 United States Code Section 15, and went right on through to Wyoming.
Doing so… broke: 18 United States Codes: 2381, 2384, 2385 and 52 USC Section 20511.
52 United States Code Section 20511 2(B):,shall%20be%20their%20presiding%20officer.
You sure y’all wanna talk about Federal Crimes?
18 United States Codification is Federal Crimes and Criminal Procedures.
All of those actions on January 6, 2021, above are documented and were displayed to the public…
I know y’all don’t want to go with “Trump Supporters” “breaking” in when 2,000 pound rotunda doors that open from the inside of the most secure building on the planet mysteriously opened at the same time.
I know y’all don’t want to go up against all of us who know our History and Foundation which places a HEAVY emphasis on the Declaration of Independence which gives us full authority and right to take our Country back from those threatening the Foundation.
The Declaration of Independence is our rule of law.
The Constitution is a Framework of Law to keep Congressmen and women in check.
Get it straight.
Once again, all that matters is who has Command of the Generals… and I can dang sure show you it’s not “Biden”, “Kamala”, “Obama”, or the Democrats.
Executive Order 13848 with the National Emergency was signed into LAW TWO months before ANY Election under President Trump. That means the ONLY evidence of Election Interference they had as reference points was 2016 Election and those prior to.
Remember Lou Dobbs of CNN being fired in 2009 for saying the Dominion Systems would have implications on future Elections. Smartmatic etc.? Naw? You forget about that too?
Rest easy Lou, I got you, sir.
National Emergencies have an automatic 2-year termination clause if they’re not revised or resolved. So, why would “Biden” continue an Executive Order with a National Emergency signed into LAW by President Trump for Election Interference, 3 years in a row?
50 USC 1601 Termination:
Continued = Enforced.
If you’ll research where the Executive Orders and Proclamations are archived for the public on the Federal Register dot Gov….
Executive Orders:
If you click on the year 2017 and look up Executive Order 13779 by President Trump, then hit CTRL + F to have the search bar drop down, then type in: Continued.
You’ll see under the words FR Doc Number: ‘Continued by.’
Now, if you click on the years 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 and do the same command, you will not find ANYTHING Continued By “Biden.” The Continuations of Executive Orders signed by President Trump have been posted on White House dot Gov… that is NOT the official place for those to be archived and displayed to the public.
The EO with National Emergency is the first Law of its kind put in place to be a reference point for a COURT of LAW to present data and evidence to a Federal Court.
You might want to know that the Military uses Analog systems not Digital… PS: they cannot be hacked.
Is that why the National Guard have been at Voting Booths 2020 and 2022?
Fox News 2022:
Post 8376 – embedded Telegram Post is below
Is that also why the 2024 Swing States are the same Swing States as 2020?
Is that also why President Trump who’s never lived in Texas has a Lawsuit filed via the United States Supreme Court, the State of Texas versus the States of Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania?
Is that also why President Trump said in April 2023 on FullSend that the 2024 Election will not be a Traditional Election?
At this point of reading, I don’t think you want to talk anymore about Laws and Orders in place… because you lost this case June 16, 2015.
The Escalator vs. brainwashed nimwits who need a History lesson and new Education.
The President of the United States is the ONLY who can Federalize the National Guard to Active-Duty.
That’s Title 10 Sections: 12406, 12302, and 12304.
The ONLY President who has federalized the National Guard recently is President Trump on March 27, 2020, with Executive Order 13912. There has been ZERO Executive Order to revoke that.
That was a DIRECT ORDER via the Commander-in-Chief to the National Guard in a time where there was a Biochemical Threat to the Nation plus Laws were not being enforced, therefore he could invoke Title 10 plus suspend the Constitution as written in Article 1 Section 9 Clause 2.
He also signed Executive Order 13919 on April 30, 2020, which DIRECTED (Direct Order) the Secretary of Defense equal authority to Federalize the Selected Reserve to Active-Duty.
Those are both DIRECT ORDERS from the CIC. There’s enough evidence with the Biological Chemical Threat plus the Continuity of Operations Publications paired with the Title 10 and Title 50 invocations to safely say the series of Executive Orders are part of a PEAD.
Presidential Emergency Action Document which is a draft classified document that expands the Powers of the President. So, anyone saying the President cannot serve past his term is uneducated or a fool.
47 United States Code Section 606 actually titled: War Powers of the President, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, gives the President power to control TV and Radio Broadcasts and the Internet. President Trump said in 2015 he would most certainly use that power if in a time of war.
Plus, December 20, 2019, was a KEY DATE in History. These 7 things took place:
- Space Force established.
- Global Fragility Act passed.
- Uniform Code of Military Justice overhauled; first time since 1950, all new Laws.
- Courts-Martial Handbook reissued; due to those new Laws.
- Amendment to Title 50 – War and National Defense Code; Chapter 33 – the War Powers Resolution Act of 1973; Section 1550.
- Stephen Biegun appointed to Deputy Secretary of State.
- Government shuts down.
In the first paragraph of Section 1550 it specifically says… “in the first 180 days after December 20, 2019, and every 180 days thereafter” with a command…
March 2, 2020, the Defense Production Act was amended and extended to September 30, 2025. That means every time you see or hear of it being invoked, the funds were appropriated March 2, 2020.
Off the wall websites say that “Biden” has invoked it 8 to 11 times. That’s false.
Title 50 Chapter 55 is the Defense Production Act. “Biden’s” name is in there 2 times. Both of which are President Trump’s Laws and Orders.
One is the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018. The other is the Infant Formula shortage in which mainstream media told you the Secretary of Defense approved that mission (Executive Order 13919 from April 30, 2020).
50 USC Ch. 55:
Post 8377 – embedded Telegram Post is below
They like to hide the FACTS in the article because they know 99.9999% of gum flappers don’t read much less know anything about the “Law”… scroll way down:
“Due to the urgency of the situation, the Secretary of Defense approved U.S. military aircraft for this mission on Friday evening,” Jean-Pierre said, explaining the decision was made after commercial aircraft were unavailable.
March 27, 2020: Executive Order 13912, up to 1 MILLION Reserves to Active-Duty, invoking Title 10 Section 12302.
March 30, 2020: President Trump press conference on “Covid” where he told his VACCINE: 30 Million doses of Hydroxychloroquine and 6 Million doses of Chloroquine, and more to come.
April 30, 2020: Directs Secretary of Defense equal Authority to Federalize Select Reserves to Active-Duty, invoking Title 10 Section 12304.
Those were just the first 180 days.
The ONLY person who could have put the National Guard in Washington D.C. on January 6th and 17th, 2021, was President Donald John Trump, and the Title 10 were already invoked to do so.
The first time all 50 States plus Guam and Puerto Rico National Guard were in one location and one time.
On January 15, 2021, a Federal Continuity Directive was issued titled: Reconstitution of the Executive Branch. In Section 2.3 of it, it says: “If reconstitution is not possible in the Washington, D.C. area, Congress, in accordance with its enumerated powers, will work with the states to establish a new seat of government. Once the new seat of government is identified, the construction and/or procurement of appropriate facilities to house executive D/As begins.”
FCD January 15, 2021:
I guess that’s why on January 20, 2021, all these things took place:
- National Guard on the perimeter of D.C., who were all the real National Guard, did NOT salute “Bidens” motorcade as it passed by.
- The “National Guard” on the inside of the perimeter, seen up close on TV, their uniforms were ALL non-regulation and mismatched, all violations of Army Regulations 670-1.
- “Biden” did not receive the traditional flight into D.C. on Air Force One by the United States Air Force as the President-Elect.
- ‘Amazing Grace’ was performed for “Biden” which is found in the Memorial Honors Army dot Mil.
Page 9:
- “Biden” raised his right hand and took Oath at 11:47 AM EST which is a violation of the 20th Amendment of the Constitution that specifically says: “The terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.”
Keyword: shall THEN.
I guess that’s why every other President swore in from 12:01 to 12:05 PM EST.
20th Amendment of the CONSTITUTION:
Some will say Obama took the Oath before Noon once, but that was because the Inauguration date fell on a Sunday. You can educate yourself here:
ABC on Sunday / Obama:
- The “Soldiers” shown at the Cannons… Zero Commissioned Officer present. Violation of Army Regulations 600-25, 2–3 Cannon Salutes.
Page 2:
- Those were also non-regulation coats on the “soldiers.”
- Those “soldiers” were moving around and did not perform any kind of marching ceremony, all waiting on their “cue.”
- 3 Cannons at Arlington National Cemetery is NOT a 21-Gun Salute. It’s a Military FUNERAL.
The number of cannons and location are key.
Post 8378 – embedded Telegram Post is below
“The 21-gun salute is not to be confused with the three-volley salute (or three-rifle volley) rendered at military honors funerals, which you might see or hear at Arlington National Cemetery.”
Arlington 21 Gun Salute:
The ONLY Cannons shown ALL day long for “Biden” were 3 Cannons at Arlington National Cemetery.
= Funeral.
The 21-Gun Salute is 4 Cannons, 21 Guns.
21 Guns = rounds / shots fired.
The ONLY 4 Cannons shown all day long January 20, 2021, was at Joint Base Andrews with President Donald John Trump in which the Media told you it was the 3rd Infantry Regiment aka The Old Guard that was firing those for President Trump.
= Inauguration.
That’s also why they disclosed he was taking the Nuclear Football with him (Nuclear Codes). And he still has them. I’ve seen the Nuclear Football this year.
January 20, 2021, started the Military Occupation, Government in Exile, and Continuity of Operations, which is why they had to show something that day, but it was allllll jacked up by Military Custom standards, all for good reason, on purpose, to show those of us who pay attention, what is taking place.
Check out the Unconventional Warfare Publication by the Special Operations Command published in April 2016 for the Government in Exile and also check out the Diagram in it of the Clandestine and Covert Operations.
Which is why you can go to and look at the pages of:
Administrative Timeline of the Department of State
Travel Abroad by the President
Travel Abroad by the Secretary of State
Visits by Foreign Leaders
Nothing has been archived on the since December 2020, but has been updated March 2024. So, where’s the travels of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 to present day?
You can look at the page of Stephen Biegun who was appointed December 20, 2019, and started duty on December 21, 2019, and the page says: Currently Suspended. Updated: March 2024.
Remember that December 20, 2019 date and those 7 things.
Now, let’s go back to Title 50 Chapter 33 Section 1550. In the Executive Documents below is a “Memo” by “Joe Biden.”
Joe Biden ran for President 4 different times in his life. Why in 6 months time would he relinquish his “Commander-in-Chief” duty and responsibility if he was President?
That’s what the Executive Documents Memo is doing.
“Memorandum of President of the United States, July 19, 2021, 86 F.R. 39939, provided:
Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of Defense the authority and functions vested in the President by section 1285(a) through (e) of Public Law 116–92 [50 U.S.C. 1550(a) to (e)] on the use of military force and support of partner forces to the Congress.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.”
“…delegate to the Secretary of Defense the authority and functions vested in the President by section 1285(a) through (e) of Public Law 116–92 [50 U.S.C. 1550(a) to (e)]”
Delegate: entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.
Authority = has an author.
Functions = command, laws, orders.
Vested: secured in the possession of or assigned to a person.
In THE President: The President of 1550 = President Donald John Trump.
50 USC 1550 = December 20, 2019.
On April 30, 2020, President Trump DIRECTED the Secretary of Defense equal authority to Federalize the Selected Reserve to Active-Duty.
The Secretary of Defense is appointed by the President and is 2nd in line to the Command of the Armed Forces.
Post 8379 – embedded Telegram Post is below
If “Joe Biden” relinquished “his” authority to the SECDEF, and President Trump EQUALIZED the SECDEF in April 30, 2020, outside of the fact, “Biden” is an actor, not real, and not President by Laws and Orders, and the SECDEF is normally 2nd in line to Command, what AUTHORITY is the SECDEF listening or equal to?
Go home now. Might need your Thunder Buddy teddy bear for this next round of STFU and sit down as I close.
This February in Texas, President Trump was in Eagle Pass and Del Rio, Texas.
“Biden” was shown in Brownsville, Texas, and I have filed in my image gallery, two C-32’s which are used for Air Force Two, in “Brownsville.”
“Biden” and the “Biden / Harris Administration” sued President Trump and the State of Texas… LOL If “Biden” were President… “he” wouldn’t have to sue the State of Texas. Texas would have to succeed from the Union or “Biden Admin” would have to get over it.
The Constitution has already outlined the powers of Congress to make the Laws which have been put into place for years. Might want to know the Constitution and what’s been put in place long before 2017.
Article 1 Section 8 Clause 18:
Governor Abbott put the “Biden Administration” on notice of their Violations of Federal Laws in place:
Allow me to show this is all an act, a movie, and strategically planned.
The Governor of Texas aka the State Chief Executive and the first appearance the Adjutant General of the State of Texas makes on world TV was with the “Former” President?
Because it is an Election year, if President Trump was a “Former” President, his presence at the Border in a “crisis” would have been a violation of his own Law, Executive Order 13848 with the National Emergency…
Where were you “expert” titty babies in February and March? Napping on your current events? Or you’re just that ignorant and uneducated? Ding Ding Ding.
Before February 28, 2024, the State of Nebraska had sent their National Guard to the Texas / Mexico Border.
The week after President Trump, the State of Arkansas sent their National Guard to the Texas / Mexico Border.
The only way Nebraska and Arkansas NG can enter Texas = Federalized.
The Adjutant General of Texas is the Commanding General of all the Armed Forces of Texas. The Adjutant General reports to the State Chief Executive, the Governor, UNLESS the National Guard are Federalized under Title 10.
The ONLY person who’s invoked Title 10 Sections 12302 and 12304 is President Trump on March 27, 2020, and April 30, 2020.
That was a Rank Structure and Chain of Command shown on TV that day… the CEO of the Executive Branch, the SCEO of Texas, and the Commanding General of the Armed Forces of that State.
So, for you nimwits who call him a “Felon”… you’ve already been shamed enough with Laws and Orders you knew NOTHING about… now it’s time you take round 2 of your educational beatdown.
The first time since 1960, there has not been an audience for a “debate.”
A “debate” where “Biden” whined about Tariffs… yet has yet to eliminate President Trump’s tariffs? That require zero legislation?
A “debate” where there’s never been a debate before September or October?
“He’s” yet to revoke Executive Order 13823 in which “he” campaigned half of 2020 “he” was going to revoke and shut down Guantanamo Bay?
If “Biden’s” cognitive skills were in check, which the normie world saw for the past 3.5 years (as he’s an actor for us who are awake), how come the DNC did not pick a new cognitive horse before August 2024? If I didn’t know what I know, that alone shows how ignorant and stupid you people are.
The “Debate” was June 28… “Biden” didn’t drop out until July 21… On July 3rd, President Trump is on the golf course wearing a shirt with #47 on the sleeve… and a ball cap that’s been out since April 2023 that says 45–47…
He asks the camera man, “How did I do with the debate the other night?”
Cameraman: Fantastic, amazing.
Post 8380 – embedded Telegram Post is below
“He just quit you know? He’s quitting the race?”
Cameraman: Is that right?
“Yep, I got him out of there. And that means we have “Kamala”… I think she’s gonna be better. She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic.”
He told you 18 days before the chatter of “Biden” stepping down that “I got him out of there.”
“We have it all. We’ve caught them all.”
If we’re going to discuss Cognitive Skills and Abilities… where’s the Mainstream Media on the 45-47 a year and 7 months before November 2024?
On January 13, 2021, President Trump said, “the 25th Amendment is of no concern to me, but will come back to haunt Joe Biden.”
And the 25th was used by “his” own people (in the eyes of the normies) not President Trump as a President and the Congress. A Wartime President comes with different Laws, Orders, Duties. But you nimwits don’t know that because most of you cannot even name the 3 Branches of Government.
On January 23, 2024, President Trump was asked on Fox News, will “Biden” drop out of the race, and he said, “Personally? I think so. I think so.” In the tone of ‘yes.’
“We have it all. We’ve caught them all.”
If President Trump is a “Felon”… Riddle me this Batman…
If “Biden” was President… “he’d” have to be the SAME person who was Vice President under Obama.
Obama and his Administration, invoked the Logan Act, 18 United States Code Section 953 on 3-Star General Michael Flynn, for Private Correspondence with a Foreign Leader.
President Trump has met with 6 Foreign Leaders, 1 via phone, 1 at Trump Tower, the other 4 at Mar-a-lago.
If President Trump is a “Former” President… Plus this is an Election Year… that would be a violation of his own Executive Order 13848 with a National Emergency, because “Biden” would be the Sitting President, and those are Presidents and Prime Ministers of Foreign Nations.
If President Trump was a “Former” President… ALL the Democrats could invoke the 25th Amendment on him PLUS invoke the Logan Act, 18 United States Code Section 953, which is Private Correspondence with a Foreign Leader…
Yet, all “Biden” said was, “Trump is just trying to gain an advantage on the presidency.”
Yet, the “guy” simply drops out?
You’re all calling him a “Felon” based on a Civil Court?
Yet your party could charge him with a Federal Crime and forever ban him from being President yet your people say, “he’s just trying to gain advantage on the Presidency?”
Did you not hear yet?
President Trump won his case on the Classified Documents.
He quotes:
“I won my case on the documents. He did not. I have the Presidential Records Act (of 1978). He does not.”
You probably do not know that the Presidential Records Act of 1978 covers the President AND the Vice President.
PRA 1978:
“He does not.” = “Biden” is NOT President.
Also, in the past few rally speeches, President Trump has told you:
“He only got 14 million votes. She did not get one. And will not have one vote.”
PS: There’s no such thing as “Midterm Rallies” either. That too, would be a Federal Election violation. He had 31 of those from June 26, 2021, to November 7, 2022, which would have been through an Election Year… and if he were a “Former” President, that too would have been Election Interference of a sitting President, a violation of his own Executive Order 13848 with a National Emergency.
Executive Order 13848 with the National Emergency and the United States National Guard are going to bring the pain to all liars and hypocrites.
Are you sure you want to bring “Law” into your posts?
I don’t think you do.
Final Battle 2024… we win.
“The prong works both ways, it’s very dangerous.”
“Be careful what you wish for.”
Now, unfollow all the “blue checks” who are misleading you with propaganda and surface-level crap that keeps you shackled and does not promote unity.
This is a LOT bigger than just President Trump and he knew that a long time ago.
He did this KNOWING.
“We have it all.