That is their headline not mine. I didn’t watch their story. In fact I stopped watching Q&A years ago because their stories are all lies. Bullshit in fact. But yes I’m disgusted too, but not for the sad story they are referring to.
Strong words eh?
In another article I posted today, I said that Our Lady said to stop listening to lying voices.
This show has just proven what a lying set of bastards Q&A are. Pricks, dickheads, morons whatever you want to call them. I am going to have to pray for them because Our Lady has reminded us that we must pray for our enemies. And that is hard to show love for dickheads and morons.
Enemies? Yes. It was mentioned in there that Donald Trump has said some racist remarks about 4 women. But did they mention why he said it. What sort of women are they? These women are exactly like POTUS said.
I’ll go one step further and state that they are possessed.
If you are intrigued about this, my suggestion is to do what I said in this post here.