As I posted today on Facebook, I have closed all my CIA owned and operated social media accounts and I will never return.
I am leading by example, why did I do this?

Once you listen to this shocking broadcast, you will do the same, and the comments in the above image re “Wi-Fi” will make sense.
[Podcast] Mejanomics June 13, 2019 – A Friend of Medjugorje, in a very important broadcast, shakes every parent and adult who has any care of young people, asking the poignant question: Are you really against child abuse? Be ready for an internal evaluation.Why do I now have a severe dislike for Mark Zuckerberg? Due to his family connections as they are part of The Great Reset. Just look at the next 3 images and 1 video and tell me if you have changed your mind.
David Ashton

Video added 10 May 2023
At the 2hours 37 mins mark there is a discussion about Lifelog. Of course the entire video is a must watch!!
Bongino’s video extract was created 13 May 2020, the same day Praying Medic (someone I have been following re: Q) was suspended from Fakebook.
What else is going on with Fakebook? Watch part of Dan Bongino’s show below to find out. Read all about this Oversight Board mentioned on this George Soros post.
Another CIA operation is also corrupt to the core. Which one? Google.
The CIA is also involved with Youtube and Instagram. Look up Operation Mockingbird. It is touched on in this video.

Linkedin are now officially tyrants.

Even Wikipedia is corrupt. Watch this video from the man who started Wikipedia.

I don’t rejoice in being right all the time, but how Tyrannical do you think these CIA owned companies are? Lets have a look at Instagram.
In August 2021 or so the USA withdrew out of Afghanistan in a disastrous manner.
Naturally, the mother blasts the root cause of the death of her son (Biden) who looks at his watch as bodies of dead soldiers are brought home, like he had better things to do.
What does CIA owned Instagram do? They do what they are (tyrants) which is a Tyrannical response from a Tyrannical regimen. How dare you criticise our puppet leader that is taking us toward communism and the destruction of the entire world. How dare you indeed!

3 replies to "Are You Really Against Child Abuse?"
[…] I wasn't surprised by this article as I knew it was coming. I have already closed my CIA owned Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin accounts as previously reported in 2019. Have a look at the warning letter I gave them, and the […]
[…] your tyrannical actions, I decided to leave you (I did this around 12 months ago). Others are too. I mentioned leaving many things such as Fakebook as Dan Bongino and others are setting up a parallel […]
[…] The below article was linked in the original facebook sourced document. You will have to search facebook because I closed my account in 2019. See here for reasons. […]